Applications are invited from graduates of tertiary vocational institutions, from those who have studied or taken other course/s elsewhere, and from those who have learnt as they worked. Whether an applicant is a tertiary graduate or not does not weigh in the selection and award process.
General eligibility criteria
- must be an Australian citizen; and
- must be a theatre practitioner; and
- must satisfy a time eligibility criterion (see below); and
- must intend to make your career in Australian theatre.
Time eligibility criteria
NB the period has been extended to ensure no applicant is penalized by COVID-19.
FOR GRADUATES of a tertiary vocational undergraduate or graduate course (e.g., WAAPA, QUT, etc) You are not more than thirteen years, and at least two elapsed years, from your last year of vocational study (i.e., your last year of study falls in the period 2009 to 2019 inclusive).
FOR ALL OTHERS either with a non-tertiary theatre qualification or ‘learnt on the job’) You are not more than fourteen years, and at least three elapsed years, from your first year in the profession, as evidenced in your CV (i.e., your first year in the profession falls in the period 2008 to 2018 inclusive). The extra year is given to those who have not graduated from a tertiary vocational course to allow for the learning of their craft within the profession or otherwise.
Course eligibility criterion
Following the removal of the mandatory academic qualification there is no longer a course eligibility criterion. All theatre practitioners are eligible.
Other considerations
Who should apply
A Fellowship rewards those who have worked consistently in their chosen field of theatre, whose star is in the ascendant, and whose career would benefit from travelling abroad (do not apply for travel, study, or work within Australia), and/or who wish to take another step up, or a different career direction, in theatre. A substantial professional track record is essential, as are originality and passion. The preparation and presentation of your application, your proposed Fellowship program (no padding please: do not waffle!), and its affect on your work when you return to Australia are very important.
When you should apply
Provided you remain eligible, Mike is quite happy for you to apply twice – not necessarily in successive years – but not three times. So give some thought to when you should apply. A good test of your readiness to apply is the professional standing of independent professional referees who will support you and your proposal.
The scope of the Fellowships
A random, but by no means exhaustive, selection of successful applications includes: a short course of study at an institution; classes with a distinguished practitioner; secondment to a theatre company; professional attachment to a project; attending conference / workshop / festival / meetings / productions; observation of rehearsals / work methods; visiting costume museums.
How much should you apply for?
In recent years the major Fellowships have carried $10,000, occasionally up to $15,000. Mike has never awarded the whole amount to one applicant, and now that the total value of the Fellowships is $70,000 he is even less likely to do so. If you are shortlisted, be prepared in interview to indicate either how you would fund any shortfall of the amount sought, or what part of your proposal is dearest to your heart. Be precise in your proposal and budgeting: do not use such phrases as ‘at least two days’, etc.
If you are shortlisted
You will be asked to attend an interview, at your own expense, in Sydney on Monday 5 December, at a time to suit you. You are urged to attend, if possible. If you are unable to attend in person, you will be interviewed by Zoom or by phone.
Privacy collection Statement and Consent
The information on the application form is collected by Hayden Enterprises Pty Ltd ACN 000 719 899 of 1st floor, 380 Military Road, CREMORNE, NSW, 2090. We collect your personal information on the application form mainly for the purpose of considering your application, including to verify information you have given us. If you do not provide all the personal information that we ask for we will not be able to process your application. We will also give your personal information (including your email address) to give you information from time to time that we think may be of interest to you. You will be able to opt-out of receiving these further communications at any time. We may disclose your personal information to, and collect your information from, your referees. We may also your personal information to our service providers, including marketing platforms and IT service providers.
By submitting your application you consent to our using your contact information as set out in this statement.
Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you may:
- access, and seek the correction of, information we hold about you; and
- complain about a privacy breach, and how we will deal with that complaint.
(numbers refer to Application Form)
Your statement of proposed use The best applications show evidence, where appropriate, of thoughtful preparation. One page is adequate.
planning; research (the internet can be very helpful for content and dates of courses and festivals; for accommodation and associated costs; for exchange rates; etc)
correspondence/contact with people, companies, theatres, institutions, etc.
consideration of what is achievable in the time planned (Do not try to cram too much into your proposal: be realistic about what is achievable in your time-frame).
Avoid padding: it is in your interest to be concise. The proposal should not exceed one or one-and-a-half pages.
Your budget It is essential that this be completed on the form and not presented separately; you may, however, add explanations if you wish. It must be in Australian dollars, each item given to the nearest ten dollars, no cents. Please account for any discrepancy between the period/s stated in 1(a) of your proposal and that budgeted for. Take into account staying with friends, and that some courses are residential and include accommodation and/or meals. Be realistic: Mike does not want you to stay at the Y and eat at McDonalds.
Amount sought Stated as a multiple of $500 (i.e., must end in at least two zeroes!). If you are shortlisted, be prepared to account for any shortfall.
Your referees We seek professional, not personal, references. Too many past applicants have spoiled an otherwise good application by poor choice of referees. Please supply the names and contacts of two professional theatre practitioner referees. It is in your interest to find referees of some standing in the entertainment arts who know your recent work well (but not your agent, and not a present or past teacher, etc); preferably someone who has worked with you. It is your responsibility to ask each referee if s/he will referee you, and to inform each of your proposal. It is to your advantage if a referee writes a signed, dated reference (desirably on letterhead where appropriate) for you and your project, or, failing that, a general reference. Do not submit an unsigned and/or undated reference: Note, therefore that an e-mailed reference must be signed and dated; otherwise it is virtually worthless (as your referee should know).
Your CV must be up-to-date and comprehensive (NB: a program biog is not adequate), and should include: education and study (ensure that you have your qualification/s correctly); any vocational course/s; any award/s (include any nomination/s); any vocational position/s held; any work/s or publication/s. If you work in more than one capacity (e.g., actor/director/writer), group your credits by capacity (e.g., acting, directing, writing), and then by year within each grouping. For each production credit, give: title, director, company. See sample CV Resist the temptation to exaggerate.
Your photo must be a recent 8 x 10 black and white headshot of you alone. It will be retained only if you are awarded a Fellowship. Do not pin or staple your photo.
Your undertaking Please be aware that you are putting your name to seven commitments.
Your checklist: please assemble the sections of your application as required and bundle securely